Friday, January 27, 2012

January 24 Field Trip (Tuesday Lab)

Monitor-Merrimac Overlook Park:

Ring-billed Gull: black ring at the end of bill

Great-black Backed Gull: huge gull with dark black back

Cooper's Hawk: red eyes, caramel barring on chest, grey-looking feathers on back

Bufflehead: triangular shaped white patch that extends around its head

American Wigeon: green patch extending from eye to back of head, white forehead

Robinson Park:

Great Blue Heron: biggest heron, black streak behind eye, grey color, long legs, s-shaped neck when extended

Canada Goose: white chin strap

Mallard: green head (sometimes looks blue)

Great Egret: Yellow bill, black legs and feet, white feathers

Sandy Bottom:

Ring-necked Duck: Black-grey feathers, white ring around end of bill

Pied-billed Grebe: brown, chicken-like head, white bill with black ring around the end

Double Crested Cormorant: snake-like neck, yellow bill, blue eyes, sits low in the water

Carolina Chickadee: black cap and throat patch separated by white patch on the cheek, small bird

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Crows, Jays, Chickadees, Titmice and Cardinals

Family Corvidae:
American Crow, Fish Crow, Blue Jay
Common Traits:
  • These birds can be found in most climatic zones around the globe
  • Harsh voices, aggressive behaviors
  • Most intelligent bird family
  • Large wingspan, strong legs, strong bills, medium to large size
  • Ground Foragers
  • Mainly black or blue plumage in temperate climates
American Crow:

  • Found in open woodland environments
  • Large birds with thick stout bills
  • All black (unless in molt - feathers take on a blue/gray color)
  • Large wingspan
* The American Crow and Fish Crow both have unique calls that can be used to differentiate the two all black birds from one another.

Fish Crow:

  • Found in shoreline environments - can be see with gulls
  • All blueish/black plumage
  • Smaller in size as compared to the American Crow
Family Paridae:
Carolina Chickadee and the Tufted Titmouse
Common Traits:
  • Large family of passerine birds (perching birds)
  • Primarily found in the Northern Hemisphere
  • Small to medium sized (9-21cm)
  • Plumage varies in color
Carolina Chickadee:

  • Black cap, black bill, white stripes fanning out from beak to neck area
  • Short dark bill, short wings
  • Grey back, rusty brown flanks, white undercarriage
Tufted Titmouse:

  • Grey back and wings, white breast and belly
  • Raised grey crest, rusty/peach colored flanks
  • big eyes, short bills
  • black forehead
Family Cardinalidae:
Northern Cardinal and Indigo Bunting
Common Traits:
  • Family of perching (passerines) birds
  • Found in N. and S. America
  • Strong seed-eating bills
  • Sexual dimorphism
  • Associated with open woodlands
Northern Cardinal:


  • Males: Red plumage, black mask on eyes, bib and forehead
  • Females: Beige-olive colored plumage and red on wings, crest and tail
  • Cone shaped, reddish bill
  • Long tail and elegant crest
Indigo Bunting:


  • Male: Bright blue plumage
  • Female: warm brown with paler transition to chest and edges of wings
  • Two-toned conical bill - black upper, grey lower
  • All young look like female until the males begin to get patches of blue that eventually transition into an all blue bird after a few winters - (photo below)
First winter male
- First winter male Indigo Bunting

1/26/2012 Field Trip (Thursday Lab)

Sandy Bottom Park:

Pied-Billed Grebe

Diving bird with small, chicken like head

Double-crested Cormorant

Diving bird with snake like head and neck, can usually be seen sunny itself as seen in photo

Hooded Merganser

Can easily be spotted because of the large white patch on the side of the hood


Males have the colorful green head and blue patch on body; females all brown with same blue patch on side

Great Egret

Large, graceful birds, all white with yellow bill and long ornamental feathers

Field Sparrow

Small brown brown, with seed eating bill

Great Blue Heron

Large wading bird, blueish-gray in color, black stripe running behind eye

American Crow

Large all black birds, with unique call

Northern Cardinal (female)

Female Cardinal is not as colorful as the bright red male, but has a red ting of color in crest, wing tips and tail. Also has a bright orange colored beak.


Most noticed because of their black rump

Ring-billed Gull

Common seagull, with black ring around the yellow beak

Lions Bridge


Males have bright green head with brown/beige body and blue patch on side; females are all brown with blue patch on side.

Great Blue Heron

Tall and large wading bird, blueish-gray in color, with long bills and black stripe that runs along the head behind the eye

Ring Billed Gull

Common seagull to Hampton Roads area, has a black ring around the yellow bill and black patches at the wing tips

Saturday, January 21, 2012

1/19/12 Field Trip (Thursday Lab)

Monitor-Merrimac Overlook Park

Canada Goose

Black head and neck
Brownish body
White cheek
Pale chest

Bufflehead (male and female)

Large, round head
White back of head
Very white overall
Oval white patch on cheek
Gray bill
Dark grey-brown body

American Wigeon (male and female)

White forehead
Green patch around eye
White patch on side
Black tail
Grey-brown head
No white patch on side
Speckled orange/brown body

Hooded Merganser 

Black head with bright white patch
Black "spurs" across chest
Brown/tan sides
Black top

Ring-billed gull (adult)

Pale grey back
Yellow legs
White chest
Yellow bill with dark ring

Ring-billed gull (juvenile) 

Dark grey body with contrasts of brown/black
Mostly light underside
Pink bill with black tip
Adult plumage appears after two years

Double-crested Cormorant

Black body
Longer legs
Long, pointed beak with yellow around edges

Great Black-backed Gull 

White head and chest
Black back
Pink legs
Yellow bill with red dot on end

Neighborhood Inlet 

Mallard (male and female)

Dark green head
Yellow bill
Pale body
Curly tail
Brown/tan speckled body
Grey/brown head
Orange bill with dark center

Great Blue Heron

Long black/white crest
Grey/blue body
Long neck/legs/beak
Rusty color on legs near the body

American Robin

Dark head
Grey back and sides
Yellow bill
Rusty orange chest

Northern Mockingbird 

Thin, dark eye line
Pale grey back and sides
Long grey tail
Whitish chest

Deer Park

Dark-eyed Junco

Many different color variations
All variations include:
White/light chest or underside
Darker coloring on back and wings
Blackish lores around eye
Short, broad bill

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red back of neck (top of head also red if male)
Black and white barred back
Plain pale brown front

Carolina Chickadee

Pale brown/tan chest
Black top of head and neck
White section around eye
Short bill
Can be easily confused with the black-capped chickadee

Downy Woodpecker

Small bill
White chest
White patch on back
Black and white wings
Dark bars on tail
Red spot in back of head
Easily confused with the Hairy Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpecker (heard but not seen)

Red crest
Long neck with white stripe
All black body

Yellow-crowned Night-heron (seen through VLM aviary)

Dark head with white cheek
Long bill and legs
Greyish body
Long yellow crest
Orange/yellow legs