Friday, January 20, 2012

Herons, Bitterns, and Egrets

Geographical Range
The general range for this bird group extends from the upper regions of the United States down to Mexico and Central America. These birds generally live in the northern areas of the United States and into Canada in the summertime, migrate through the middle and southern regions of the United States, and then live in Mexico and Central America in the winter. They generally live along the coasts year-round including the coast of California, south of Virginia, and along the Gulf.

Some exceptions include the Great Blue Heron which live in the majority of the United States year-round, the Little Blue Heron, the Tricolored Heron, and the Yellow-crowed Night Heron which live in the south east quarter of the United States, and the American Bittern which is only seen along the Pacific coast year-round.

Common Features
All are wading birds found in marshes and wetlands. They are carnivores with a diet consisting mostly of amphibians, reptiles, insects, and fish.

The general body shape consists of a stocky body with a long neck and bill and long legs with un-webbed feet. Many also have the ability to retract and extend their neck.

All three are in the same family, but only bitterns are taxonomically different. There is no real taxonomic difference between a heron and an egret. The main difference is in a generalization that egrets tend to be all white and have wispy feathers.

Bitterns also tend to nest in reed beds along the water while herons and egrets rest in trees.

American Bittern

Stocky heron shape
Brown, tan and white stripes
Thick neck and bill
Keeps under cover most of the time

Least Bittern

"Tiny" heron
Long neck and bill
Dark back and head
Brown sides
White and orange chest
Notoriously difficult to spot

Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron

Black face and bill
White cheek
Yellow crown
All grey body
Yellow/Orange legs

Black-Crowned Night-Heron

Medium-sized, stocky heron
Short neck
Black bill
Black back and crown
Yellow legs

Green Heron

Keeps neck tucked in to its body
Dark colors
Red/brown body
Green on wings
Long, yellow legs
Long, pointed, dark-colored bill

Tricolored Heron

Long, slender neck and bill (s-curve)
Dark back/neck
White belly
Tricolor is reference to the blue feathering on wings, white of the belly, and reddish-brown coloring on back

Little Blue Heron
One color: dark blue/grey
Long neck, bill
Bill has dark tip
Long legs
First years are pure white, adults blue

Great Blue Heron

Largest heron in North America (about 4 ft.)
Grey-blue color
Black markings on wing
Long black/white crown

Cattle Egret

All white body
Thick yellow bill
Shorter neck
Follows cattle, horses, and tractors to catch the insects they stir up,%20adult%20non-breeder%20(Jensen%20Beach,%20FL.,%201-08).jpg

Snowy Egret

All White
Black legs with yellow feet
Dark bill
Long and thin neck, bill, and legs

Great Egret

All White
Long black legs and feet
Long, yellow bill
S-shaped neck
Lacy/fluffy feathers

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the first blog post! This is exactly what we are looking for.
