Today we went to Lion's Bridge. We saw:
1. Great Blue Heron
Very tall bird with long legs and big feet, black feathers running from the eye past the back of the head, blue-grey color, some rust-colored feathers on breast/neck.
2. Hooded Merganser
Fan-shaped head with triangular white patch; patch doesn't extend all the way around the head. (Female is just rust colored, no white patch).
3. Turkey Vulture
Large bird, eats carrion (dead stuff), bald red head, underwing is silver.
4. American Robin
Bright orange-red breast, rest of body is black/brown.
5. Mallard
Green head (might sometimes look blue), blue wing patch; females brown with blue wing patch.
6. Ring-billed Gull
Yellow bill with a black ring around the end.
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