Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January 31st field trip (Tuesday lab)

Note: Bolded names indicate birds that will be on the next quizzes

This week, while visiting Deer Park, Sandy Bottom, and Lion's Bridge we saw:

Canada Goose

- Black head and neck
- White chin strap

Great Blue Heron

- Large wading bird
- Long legs and neck
- Blue/gray body
- Black stripe behind eye

Ring-billed Gull

- Black ring around tip of beak

Turkey Vulture

- Red face
- Almost entire underside of wing is white

Black Vulture

- Black face
- On underside, only wing tips are white


- Bright green head
- Blue wing patch
- Curled tail

American Robin

- Round body
- Black/gray head
- Red/orange chest

Carolina Chickadee

- Black head and chin
-White cheeks

Pied-billed Grebe

- Small bird
- Short, chicken-like beak
- Black ring around tip of beak

Double-crested Cormorant

- Orange beak
- Long, snake-like neck
- Gray body
- Bright blue eye
- Often seen with wings open sunning themselves

As far as the birds we didn't see but will still be on the quiz...

Blue Jay

- Tuft on head
- Bright blue coloration
- White spots on wings

Male Northern Cardinal

- Bright red color
- Tuft on top of head

Female Northern Cardinal

- Brown body, less colorful than male
- Short orange beak for eating seeds
- Tuft on top of head

American Crow

- Looks identical to Fish Crow
- "Caw" call

Fish Crow

- Looks identical to American Crow
- "Uh-Uh" call

Indigo Bunting

- Entire body is bright blue in color

Tufted Titmouse

- Small bird
-Tuft on head
- Blue/gray back
- White chest
- Rust coloration under wings

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