Monday, April 16, 2012

Birds seen - tuesdays lab 4-10-12

Red tailed hawk

red tail feathers
sharp pointed beak
sloted wings

                                                          Black vulture
all black plumage
scale covered head

                                                          Sharp shinned hawk

straight tail feathers
banned tail
yellow eyes
brown and white barred plumage

                                                                  Brown pelican
long beak with orange at tip
blue base of beak
over all grey/brown plumage on wings
head and neck are white

                                                     Ring-billed gull
black tips on wings
ring around bill
yellow feet
white plumage

                                                                       American crow
all black plumage
strong beak
black eye

                                                         Tufted titmouse
                                                 black beak
                                                  white under carriage
                                                     black tips on wings and tail feathers
                                                     orange under the wings
                                                          black eye

                                                           European starling
orange legs
multi colored metalic plumage
orange beak

                                                       American Robin
bright orange under belly
orange beak
grey plumage

                                                            Bald Eagle
white head
sharp orange beak
orange feet
brown plumage
white tail feather

                                                                      house finch

purple/red head and breast
brown wings and tail
brown cheeck patch
black eye

                                                                 song sparrow

white eye brow
barred brown and white plumage
white underbelly

                                                                 chipping sparrow
white underbelly and head
black beak
black eyes
black stripe through eyes
brown head cap
brown wings with white bars

                                                                     fish crow
all black plumage
black beak, feet, and eyes
short stubby neck

                                                                       bonaparte's gull
black beak
white underbelly
grey wings
black head or head cap

                                                             Double-crested cormorant

                                                               light blue eyes
                                                                   orange bill
                                                                    dark brown plumage
                                                                      herring gull
all white plumage
grey eyes
bright yellow beak

black pointed beak
white head and underbelly
black wings
black stripe through the eye

                                                     American Goldfinch
bright yellow plumage
orange beak
black and white barred tipped wings and tail feathers
black head cap

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