Sunday, April 15, 2012

Warblers 4/12

Prothonotary Warbler

    ¡Medium sized warbler
¡Olive-green back and blue-gray wings and tail
¡Head, neck, and under parts are a vibrant yellow
¡Bill, legs, and feet are black
¡The only  eastern warbler that nests in tree hollows
¡once called the Golden Swamp Warbler

Northern Parula

¡Small, compact warbler
¡blue-gray upperparts and bronze-green back patch
¡Yellow throat and breast with chestnut-brown and black breastband
¡Belly and undertail covers are white
¡Broken white-eye ring
¡Blue gray wings with white bars
¡Short tail
¡Breed in wet, coniferous woods, in swamps, and along lakes and ponds

Yellow-Rumped Warbler

¡Medium warbler
¡Dark-streaked, blue-gray upperparts, yellow rump
¡White throat and belly, black breast
¡Black head with yellow crown, white eye rings, faint eye stripes
¡Wings are dark with yellow shoulder patches and two white bars
¡Tail is dark with white corners
¡Found in a variety of habitats
¡one of the most common warblers in North America

Black and White Warbler

¡Small, black and white stripped with white median head stripe bordered by black
¡Black bill, legs, and feet
¡Forages by moving up and down the trunks of trees and crawling under and over branches
¡Preferred habitat include primary and secondary forests

      Prairie Warbler

¡Small warbler
¡Brown streaked, olive-green upperparts with reddish-brown streaking, bright yellow underparts with black streaks on sides
¡Head has yellow-green cap, yellow face, and dark eye, cheek stripes
¡Find in pine stands, mangroves and overgrown fields rather than prairies

Yellow-throated Warbler

¡Medium-sized warbler
¡Gray upperparts with yellow throat and chin and upper breast
¡White under parts with black spots on sides
¡Dark wings with two white bars
¡Gray tail
¡Black legs and feet
¡habitats include forests of pine, cypress, sycamore, and oak, in both swampy places and dry uplands

Pine Warbler

¡Medium sized warbler
¡Plain olive-gray upperparts
¡Yellow throat and breast
¡Blurry-streaked sides
¡White belly and undertail covers
¡Gray wings with 2 white bars
¡Only warbler that eats large quantities of seeds
¡One of the earliest breeding warblers

Yellow Warbler

¡Small warbler
¡Olive-yellow upperparts
¡Bright yellow underparts with rust-brown streaks on breast sides
¡Dark wings with two white bards
¡Dark tail with yellow-tinged edges
¡Eats insects, larvae, fruits
¡Habitats include edges of marshes and swamps, leafy bogs, orchards, farmlands, and suburban yards and gardens

Hooded Warbler

¡Medium warbler
¡Olive-green upperparts
¡Bright yellow underparts
¡Black hood with yellow face
¡Dark, large eyes
¡Spread tail that shows white spots
¡Black bill
¡Pink legs and feet
¡Short direct flights with wings that beat rapidly
¡Habitats include mature, moist forests with copious undergrowth


¡Medium, ground walking warbler
¡Olive-brown upperparts
¡Heavily spotted white underparts
¡Head has dull orange central crown stripe edged in black with white eye ring
¡Wings and tail are olivegreen
¡Name originates fromcovered nest with dome and side resembling dutch oven
¡Habitat includes mature, dry forests with little undergrowth

Common Yellowthroat

¡Small, skulking warbler
¡Olive-yellow upperparts
¡Bright yelling throat and breast
¡Pale gray belly
¡Head has black mask with thick white border above
¡Black bill
¡Pink legs
¡Slow weak flight with wings that alternate between periods of rapid beat and wings pulled to side

Yellow-breasted Chat

¡Largest North American warbler
¡Olive-green to olive-gray upperparts
¡Brilliant yellow throat and breast
¡Belly and undertail are white
¡Eyes have white spectacles and dark eye patches
¡Bill is heavy and dark
¡Wings and tail are olive-green
¡Legs and feet are black
¡Habitats include dense thickets and brush, often with thrown, and dry brushy hillsides

American Redstart

¡Medium, active warbler
¡Black underparts and hood
¡Distinctive orange-red patches on wings, sides, and long, fanned tail with white underparts
¡Bill,  legs, and feet are black
¡Flashes colorful wings and tail to flush insects from foliage
¡Habitats include second-growth woodlands

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