Tuesday Lab, Casey Rollins and Jeffrey Rollins (My cousin)
Location: Amory's Wharf, Poquoson VA
Camera: Kodak EasyShare DX7590
Lens: Variogon 38-380mm AF 10x
European Starling - Breeding adult; bright yellow bill, mostly black with spots wearing off to give way to green and purple breeding plumage
Great Egret - Mostly white, long yellow bill, dark feet and legs (not pictured)
There are multiple birds in this picture. Left foreground: A Laughing Gull giving his friend the boot! Black head, grey wings, reddish bill, also verified by call. Middle of picture: I'm not 100% sure, but this may be a juvenile Forster's Tern; long tail, orange feet, black around eye, grey wings. The larger gull (second bird from the top) is a Ring-billed Gull; black wing tips, white head, ring at the end of the bill. The last bird (pictured far right, top) is a Double-Crested Cormorant: entirely black plummage, black feet and legs, greyish bill, posture and tail position resembles something like the Wild Turkey or Turkey Vulture.
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